Overturning Roe v Wade Got Me REAL Ready

Glodean Champion
5 min readJun 26, 2022

We’re all up in arms about the overturning of Roe v. Wade and I get it. I’m up in arms too. Mostly at myself! We didn’t get here because the SCOTUS is now stacked with conservative justices. We didn’t get here because our 45th president and his minions stacked the court. We’re not even here because of a minority of evangelicals and right wing Republicans.

WE are here because of US! All of our “HOPING” and talking the talk but not walking the walk. All our apathy and “it ain’t in my backyard” ways of thinking. WE didn’t fall asleep at the wheel. WE put the proverbial car that is our democracy on cruise control and ignored all the warning signs that danger was fast approaching. So, why are we now surprised that democracy has veered off course and is careening over the cliff taking our dignity and rights along with it?

Matt Wuerker, Politico

People always wanna shout, “VOTE”, when something jumps off that we don’t like. WE didn’t get here by failing to drop our opinion in the ballot box. WE got here because we didn’t hold the mofo’s we voted for accountable when they stopped making it about us and started making it about their power and status…and bank accounts. And, as quiet as it’s kept, WE got here because WE had the audacity to elect a Black man to the White House.

Sit there for a moment and get comfortable with that. There’s power in being comfortable in your discomfort.

Now, listen. I’m not pointing fingers or placing blame. I’m actually cussing my own self out, publicly, for standing by and trusting that “things are gonna be alright” because from where I’m sitting, sh*t just got real and it doesn’t feel like anything is gonna be alright for a LONG time. Unless…

We’re willing to do something about it.

I know I am! It’s time to put some skin in the game.

I’ve spent my life showing people the power of their voice. My students, when I was teaching. My peers, when I was working. My clients, now that I’m coaching and training leaders and their teams. So, now, it’s time to get off the bench. It’s time for us to take action. Our collective voices have a lot of power and our collective action has even more.

Montgomery Bus Boycott, a time in history where our action made lasting change

The question then becomes…how far are we willing to go to make change in this country? Peacefully, that is.

But, before we can do that we have to first accept the fact that this so-called land of liberty where freedom supposedly rings was founded on fear, under the guise of race and religion, to keep us divided. Except race only exists to give racism air to breath. And, organized religion exists to justify hypocrisy and controlling the masses.

It’s time for us to stop this madness. End the divisiveness. Let’s come together for a united cause that has nothing to do with sports or entertainment. Let’s come together to unite our states. Hasn’t anyone paid attention to the old adage, “United we stand. Divided we fall?” So, how in the world can we make America “great” again when it’s never been great for all of us? And why? Because we let other people tell us who we are and how we should feel about each other. So, in order to end the madness, we need to know our truth. For example:

Black people are not violent by nature. If we were, the TransAtlantic Slave Trade would have been a failed experiment.

Black people are not intellectually inferior. If we were, there never would have been a Black Wall Street or other thriving Black communities across the country. The KKK and white supremacists wouldn’t have had a reason to burn our communities to the ground.

Black people are not weak or lazy. If we were, slavery wouldn’t have lasted very long and we would have died off by now.

All white people aren’t bad. Nor do they all have the benefit of unearned privilege.

Mexican people aren’t stealing jobs. They’re just willing to do whatever it takes to feed their families.

Chinese people didn’t make COVID. And, if they did, the one’s in America didn’t have anything to do with it.

Women aren’t promiscuous just because we want to own and embrace our sexuality. Our right to choose is just that…ours. And, truth be told, just because our lawmakers betrayed us on Friday, June 24, the right still remains with us.

Homosexuality isn’t contagious. It isn’t an abomination. God doesn’t abhor homosexuals (as a minister once told me, then said out of the other side of his mouth that God is love. But, I digress).

MOST IMPORTANTLY, the first and most foundational law of the universe is the Law of Divine Oneness, which highlights the interconnectedness of all things. It says that beyond our senses, every thought, action, and event is in some way connected to anything and everything else. So, whether you believe in God or not, you should believe we are ALL connected. It’s the absence of this belief that has disconnected us from one another…and look where that has gotten us.

Can you see, feel, taste, touch the madness? I do! Even as I write this I get even more aggravated and ashamed that I stood by for so long waiting for someone else to “save the day.”

As a dear friend used to say, “Enough is enough and too much is too damned much.” Like it not, we’ve arrived at “too damned much”.

So, I ask you again, how far are you willing to go to make lasting change in our broken country?

Me? I’m taking off my earrings, rubbing Vaseline on my face, and coming out swinging.

Yeah. I’m ready to go as far as it nonviolently takes!

Are you with me?

If you agree, are down with me, or just like this…please press the clap emoji 50 times. I would also love to hear your comments.



Glodean Champion

Glodean. A Champion. Renaissance Woman. Transformational Leader. DEI Coach. Educator. Storyteller. Author of Salmon Croquettes. Love in Action.